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What makes Hope & Sesame sesamemilk a “More Nutritious" + More Sustainable Plant-based Milk?Updated a year ago

Nutritious: A one-cup serving (8 oz) of Hope & Sesame sesamemilk (not including Barista Blend, which is formulated specifically to perform at a cafe level). contains 8g of complete protein, with all 9 essential amino acids represented in a balanced profile, similar to dairy milk, and meet the FDA standards for ‘good source of protein, ‘excellent source of Calcium’ and ‘excellent source of Vitamin D. Most plant milks contain very little protein, and/or that protein is incomplete: 0g (rice milk), 1g (almond/macadamia nut milk), 3g (oat milk), 8g (pea milk – incomplete protein).

Sustainable: Sesame is an amazingly sustainable crop. It thrives in dry conditions and requires little water to cultivate, it’s naturally pest resistant and it can self-pollinate, requiring very few resources to grow a crop especially versus water-intensive monocultures like almond groves. The pesticides used to protect almond crops kill thousands of bees every year that are shipped in for the pollination season, since bees are required for successful almond pollination.

Like many similar shelf-stable beverages, we use recyclable Tetra Pak cartons created to preserve beverages for long periods without refrigeration. This means we can distribute these products without refrigeration's cost and environmental impact. There is more information on Tetra Pak and recycling at this link. Our refrigerated sesamemilk bottles are recyclable wherever PET bottles are accepted for recycling.

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